A female and two male scientists are looking at a molecular model
A nurse and a pediatrician examine a baby
A female and a male scientist at work in a laboratory

Recent Studies/Projects

Hands in latex gloves clean a faucet with cleaner and sponge

A literature review and a survey of the major allergens in household products taken from the German retail market

Excerpt from the Study: Natural Rubber Latex Protein Allergy: A literature review and a survey of the major allergens in household products taken from the German retail market Part 1:

A baby is breastfed

Does the Recommendation to Use a Pacifier Influence the Prevalence of Breastfeeding?

A low prevalence and duration of breastfeeding increase the risk of infant morbidity and mortality in both developed and developing countries. In 1989, the World Health Organization and

A baby is fed with a bottle

A New Bottle Design Decreases Hypoxemic Episodes during Feeding in Preterm Infants

Oxygen saturation is lower during bottle feeding than during breastfeeding in preterm infants. Our objective was to compare two different bottle systems in healthy preterm infants before



'Pandemic babies' turn five: Here's what research tells us about their development and remarkable resilience

Early brain development lays the foundation for lifelong health and success. But disruptions to a child's early environment can leave a ...

Wireless pacifier could monitor babies' vitals in the NICU, eliminating the need for painful blood draws

A small but powerful invention could soon make life in the NICU easier for the tiniest patients. Newborns must have their vitals checked ...

New model predicts infant drug exposure from breastfeeding mothers

A new mathematical model developed at the University of Waterloo can determine a baby's overall drug exposure when their mother is taking ...

Umbilical cord blood biomarkers may improve preterm infant care

Northwestern Medicine investigators have discovered how proteins expressed in umbilical cord blood at birth evolve during gestational ...

Babies respond positively to smell of foods experienced in the womb, study shows

Babies show positive responses to the smell of foods they were exposed to in the womb after they are born, according to a new study.

{HMN 2025}: Data gaps endanger moms and infants

... by Catriona Waitt, Karleen Gribble, Mija Ververs, Peter Waitt and Prince Imani-Musimwa, The Conversation Breastfeeding is so important for ...

Directed acyclic graph helps to understand the causality of malnutrition in under-5 children born small for gestational age

Journal of Clinical Epidemiology Volume 177 , January 2025 , 111611 Volume 177 , January 2025 , 111611 Original Research Author links ...

Skin-to-skin contact is good for your baby and you—and not just straight after birth

In the 1950s, the American psychologist Harry Harlow provided a stark demonstration of the importance of a mother's touch. He famously—and ...

Healthy mouth, healthy baby: Experts emphasize oral health for expectant mothers

With the start of the new year, prioritizing women's oral health should become a key resolution. Women's oral health is about more than ...

Hyperbilirubinemia in Neonates with Blood Group Incompatibilities - a bane or a boon for the management

Transfusion Clinique et Biologique Available online 13 January 2025 In Press, Journal Pre-proof What’s this? Available online 13 January ...